This lovely Fresh Snow Pink Roses Flower Bouquet is a perfect combination of roses with some purple statice to make the perfect romantic bouquet. And wrapped with premium quality waterproof flower wrapping paper. The meaning of pink roses is gratitude and admiration. They're the perfect choice for the people you appreciate most, like your friends, siblings, teachers, boss, parents, and your loved ones. Pink roses can also represent femininity and elegance, which makes them perfect for events like engagement parties, birthday celebrations, proms, and baby showers for a baby girl. Snow Pink rosse is a popular choice for any occasion, especially for Valentine's Day, and anniversary and send this fresh flowers bouquet to surprise your loved ones.
Fresh Snow Pink Roses Flower Bouquet
🌹 6 stalks of fresh snow pink roses with fresh song of jamaica or snow white (cordyline green)
🎁 Wrap with premium waterproof flower paper wrapper, and tied with satin ribbon (color may vary)
📝 Free handwritten message card
🕑 Delivery within Klang Valley / Self-collection