Fresh Pink Roses Flower Bouquet is used to express gratitude and admiration for someone close to you. Pink roses symbolize love between family members or a strong friendship. Pink roses also can represent femininity and elegance, making them a good choice for events like proms, baby showers, and engagement parties. These pink roses are paired with fabulous foliage and fillers for the perfect flower bouquet. They are wrapped with premium-quality waterproof flower wrapping paper. The pink rose is a popular choice for any occasion, especially for Valentine's Day, Anniversary, or proposal day, Birthday Day, or for someone you love. You can even send this fresh pink rose bouquet to surprise your loved ones. It will impress them! Order NOW! Luxe Florist deliver to your doorstep within Klang Valley.
Fresh Pink Roses Bouquet
🌹 10 Stalks of fresh pink Roses matched with white Eustoma or Carnation with Thlaspi Green Bell or Eucalyptus Leave
🎁 Wrap with premium waterproof flower paper wrapper, and tied with satin ribbon (color may vary)
📝 Free handwritten message card
🕑 Delivery within Klang Valley / Self-collection